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Marta Ostrowska - chairwoman
Artur Labudda - vice-chairman
Grzegorz Wojak - board member
Jolanta Anna Urbańska - board member
Tomasz Ostrowski - board member

Supervisory Board:
Tomasz Feliszewski - board leader
Joanna Czerwińska - board member
Maria Popielawksa - board member


Marta Ostrowska - abroad events & trips
Ania Urbańska - local events
Artur Labudda - fundraiser
Grześ Wojak - IT / WWW / DTP


Fundacja Podróże bez Granic
ul. Warszawska 43/1
81-309 Gdynia
Phone: +48 692 44 51 88

KRS 0000441552
Sąd Rejonowy Gdańsk - Północ w Gdańsku
VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego

REGON 221789255
NIP 586-228-01-64

Bank account: Mbank:
96 1140 2017 0000 4702 1297 1748




Fundacja Podróże bez Granic – „Tourism without borders foundation”, founded on the 26th November 2012, aims at implementing innovative forms of rehabilitation such as travels and “extreme” events for people with disability which main scope is to encourage people to gain confidence, overcome mental barriers and increase the level of participation in social, public, cultural, sport and touristic life.

All the participants of our events - people with different types of disability (physical, mental, blind, etc) are involved  in all stages of organization and realization of our activities in order to create unique groups and atmosphere. Our groups do not exceed 20 people and consist of very limited number of assistants in order to enable personal contact and maximum engagement, including mutual help and care. Through mixing people with different types of disabilities, participants of our groups start to know each other, learn both about their limitations and capacities and realize how much their future depends entirely on them, their attitude, self-confidence and strength to overcome everyday obstacles.

Active rehabilitation through organization of touristic and extreme events is a unique in the polish scale approach which however is highly underestimated and perceived as a luxury in the reality where physical and formal rehabilitation is still a major issue. Nevertheless our events are dedicated to people with disability who have overcame basic rehabilitation but lack any possibilities for further development in their future, contact with people and access to everyday life and activities.

What is important, our assumptions and certainty of a need for this type of physical rehabilitation is not an effect of theoretical studies but our own experience as people with different types of disability - our team
consist of 4 people including 3 people with disability who know best
the reality of the rehabilitation systems and its deficiencies. 

"Podróże Bez Granic" foundation is based in Gdynia, Poland.